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Lesson 7:

Bahia State

The tourist industry is significantly developed in this State. It has the biggest influx of tourism to its coast and one of the best tourism infrastructures, not only on its 1,200 kilometres coastline but also in the semi-arid Sertão region, where natural and cultural tourism are starting to emerge.

Some facts about the State

Capital – Salvador

There are 10 airports in this State; the main one is in the Capital, Salvador. It has flights to all of the main capitals as well as international flights. You can even get commercial flights to some of the islands, for instance, Lençóis, Porto Seguro, Caravelas, among others.

The State borders with: Alagoas, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Piauí (N); Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo (S); Goiás and Tocantins (W); Atlantic Ocean (E)

Total area: 5,672,953 square kilometres

Population: 15 million (2020)

The State’s main attractions and destinations:

North- Mangue Seco, Praia do Forte, Sauipe and other cities on Costa dos Coqueiros; South – Porto Seguro, Trancoso, Morro São Paulo, Boipeba, Península de Marau and other cities on the Costa do Dendê, the Abrolhos archipelago; West – Chapada Diamantina.


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