Course  |  Minas Gerais: a festival for the senses!  |  Minas Gerais Online Training

Lesson 9:

Cave Route

A journey to the centre of the earth!

The mountains and caves of Minas Gerais hide the great mysteries of our ancestors and reveal the stories and activities of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

The region is renowned for its scientific geomorphology thanks to Danish scientist, Peter Wilhelm Lund (1801 – 1880), the first palaeontologist to visit Brazil. His works have led many others to discover the hidden rivers, stalactites, stalagmites and rare limestone formations in the caves of Maquiné, Lapinha and Rei do Mato.

Maquiné Cave – Cordisburgo

  • 3-star rating, the highest of its kind, discovered in 1825
  • Walkways around seven areas accompanied by a local guide
  • Seven halls spanning 650 m long and 18 m deep
  • Formed by calcium carbonate, but also showing signs of other minerals and precious stones

Lapinha Cave – Lagoa Santa

  • 900 million years old, 511 m long and 40 m deep
  • Formed by hardened mud and waste from the sea bed, ornamented with crystal and calcite
  • Natural halls named according to their formation – Cauliflower Hall, Cathedral, Cataract, Lamp, Curtains, Sheep, Gallery of Brides and Crib
  • Museum at the front of the cave with rare and ancient finds from the area

Rei do Mato – Sete Lagoas

  • Used in the design and use of conservation tourism
  • Four halls spanning 220 m long, 48 m deep with stalactites, stalagmites and limestone cascades, two rare slender columns of perfectly cylindrical harmonics, calcite crystals of 20-30 cm diameter

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